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Under the Wire


Oh my goodness, it’s almost 11pm and I basically completely forgot to write today. Just sneaking this post in under the wire. I don’t even have a great excuse – we had a pretty standard Friday except that my sister is sleeping over.

She moved home from St. Thomas, USVI about a year ago, and although it’s been a huge relief to have her close to home again, we both have such busy schedules between work (hers) and kids (mine) that we don’t get to hang out much. We got carried away cleaning out my chocolate cookie stash and watching Parks and Rec and suddenly it’s bedtime.

And I. Am. Beat.

Have I mentioned about 100 times yet that I had a sinus infection this week? I’m not usually this wimpy about common cold type stuff, but man, this dumb infection took a lot of me. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sinus issue before this pregnancy, and suddenly I’ve had three sinus infections. This one was a doozy – if I hadn’t had my wisdom teeth out earlier this year (super fun! Kids: don’t wait until you are a grown up to take care of this stuff, it is way way worse as an adult…) I would be convinced I was having impacted wisdom teeth problems, that’s how painful my sinus area has been.

So between being sick, not feeling well because of the crazy antibiotics I’m on, and being, you know, massively pregnant, I’ve really struggled to keep moving this week. I missed yoga, I accidentally took a three hour nap while Ella was at school, and tonight I’m going to take it easy and just say:

Thank you, God, for the flexibility to be gentle with myself when my body has so much going on. And thank you for motivating me to start fresh tomorrow, so I can keep this commitment, which means so much to me, going for the whole month.


Danielle Cotter Griggs is a writer, musician, and actor. She's a rookie in the stay-at-home mom game but is working on perfecting her new role as Arbiter of Turns and Provisioner of Snacks. She lives in Central Massachusetts with two cats, three daughters, and one very patient, unusual husband. You can follow her adventures at

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